Tembo, the little elephant

Fecha de publicación2022
AutorTeresa Campos


This morning, in the savannah, an elephant was born named Tembo. Do you want to meet him? Immerse yourself in the African savannah with Tembo, a little elephant that has just been born. Accompany him on his first steps together with his parents and the rest of the pack. Tembo, the little elephant is the first story from the collection Tembo learns everything.

The collection Tembo learns everything has been developed following the recommendations of the Easy-to-read Association, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and Inclusion Europe with regard to the language, content and form, all aimed at making reading comprehension easier.

The stories also include small animations that do not distract readers from reading the text.

Escrito por

Teresa Campos lives in Barcelona where she paints, cuts and always thinks about books aimed at the youngest members of the family. He has collaborated in numerous editorial projects as well as in publications for companies and in productions of children’s apps.

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